
Applications are closed


What can I do?
Just about any kind of show that you can get an audience. Shorter is better, pieces 5-40 minutes are preferred.

How do I perform at YippieFest?
Apply here with your show and contact information. If accepted, you will be scheduled for the fest. Promote your show and bring an audience. Also, come see other shows for free with your artist wristband.

How much does it cost to apply? Do I get paid?
There is no pay or application fee, no money is exchanged. For performers, you get a free weekend pass to see other shows.

How long do I have to setup my show?
Not long, do it as quickly as possible to keep the fest moving. Be ready to go when the previous show is over. If you need to get ready backstage, check with the previous show to see if you can quietly be backstage. Note: your reported running time should include setup and takedown.

How does everything run on time?
It doesn't always, we may be behind schedule and your show might start after your advertised time. If we are ahead of schedule, you won't have to start early so your audience won't miss the start of your show. It can get a little chaotic during changeovers and be aware the audience may be coming and going during your show.

Can I bring props before my show?
Yes, just let us know. We have limited storage for your props and ideally you would bring them on stage when you are setting up before your show and remove them after your show.

Do you have chairs/a couch/tables/etc?
We have chairs for sure and if you need anything else, just ask. We will have a list of available props.

What about tech?
You have to bring your own tech person to do sound and lights if you need any sound or music played or lights turned off or on. There will be a mini-headphone jack to plug into laptops/ipods/phones. The lights will be basic, but have some options like spot lights. The lights are set for the entire fest and can't be adjusted.

What about Covid?
We will be following whatever protocols Chopin Theatre has. As of now, there is no mask or vaccine mandate.

What can't I do during my show?
If you have any questions, please ask. A full list of what is not allowed will be sent to each group's contact. These include but is not limited to pyrotechnics, explosives, flames of any kind even candles and lighters, glitter, smoking/vaping, and excessive noise. Strobe lighting, gunshots, haze, and lasers should be mentioned beforehand. Again, if you have any doubts, please ask.

Can I bring alcohol?
NO   outside alcohol, Chopin has a full bar